Flipped Classroom
Flipped Classroom
Experience a Flipped Classroom from a Student's Perspective
- Go to Schoology https://www.schoology.com/
- Click the Sign Up button
- Select Student
- Enter the Access Code for this course (provided in person)
- Create your account.
- In the TCEA CS Academy "Computer Science II" course, view and complete the two Assignments
Flipped Classroom Tips
Tips from Turn to Your Neighbor: The Official Peer Instruction Blog post
- You do not need to completely flip your classroom! You may want to start by flipping one lesson or one unit that has been particularly difficult for students in the past. By exposing them to the "lecture" content before class, you can spend class time ensuring that students fully understand the topic by addressing specific points of confusion.
- Keep the length of each video under 5 minutes. Make multiple videos, if necessary, by separating the content into logical chunks. Do not record and post an entire lecture - students will not watch it.
- If you use videos from YouTube, you can use TubeChop to select just a portion of the video for students to watch. Post the link generated by TubeChop.
- Ask students to respond to 2 to 6 questions after watching a video. (If you post multiple videos, ask 2 to 6 questions after each video.) This will help them recall and understand the content. You could include some multiple-choice questions and some short answer questions. Short Answer Question Ideas: PBS TeacherLine Resource
- Keep in mind how much time you are asking students to spend watching videos, responding to questions, and completing other work outside of class. Don't overwhelm students with work outside of class.
Tips from Turn to Your Neighbor: The Official Peer Instruction Blog post
Great Computer Science Videos (If You Don't Have Time to Create Your Own)
Learn More About Flipping Your Classroom
- Join the TCEA Community's Flipped Classrooms group
- Flipped Classrooms 101: A Self-Paced Course This "course" is really just a series of links on the Turn to Your Neighbor: The Official Peer Instruction Blog. Don't be intimidated by the word "course." This is a GREAT place to start learning about flipped classrooms!
- The Teacher's Guide to Flipped Classrooms, by Edudemic - a curated list of flipped classroom resources
- Flipped Classroom - Rochester Institute of Technology Teaching & Learning Services
- Jon Bergmann Flipped Classroom
- Flipped Learning Network's Professional Learning Community for Educators Using Flipped Learning
Tools for Video Recording and Editing: "Whiteboard" and Screencasting
Student-Created Videos
- Students record themselves explaining a topic, a solution, or how their program works using an online video creation tool.
- Students turn in their videos or a link to their videos on the class online learning management system (Schoology, Edmodo) or through email.
- Teacher reviews each student's video and narration.