Hour of Code: Computer Science Classes
When to Use Hour of Code in Computer Science Classes
There are so many great Hour of Code activities to choose from! I suggest some Hour of Code activities below that I think would work well for high school students who have already used Scratch or Alice, and who have been programming in Java.
The activities below include the links provided on the Hour of Code website.
- Celebrate Computer Science Education Week - December 8-14, 2014
- Throughout the year to break up the routine - Plan an Hour of Code every six to nine weeks
- As an option for students who have completed assignments or tests - Be sure to incorporate incentives for completing Hour of Code activities and creating products, otherwise students may not put much effort into the activities or products. For example: 1) require students to complete a certain number of Hour of Code activities during the year for a final grade in April/May; give them a checklist of products to complete. 2) Have a way for students to submit their Hour of Code products for class viewing and feedback. Hold a viewing party!
There are so many great Hour of Code activities to choose from! I suggest some Hour of Code activities below that I think would work well for high school students who have already used Scratch or Alice, and who have been programming in Java.
The activities below include the links provided on the Hour of Code website.
Hour of Code: Learn a New Language
Hour of Code Activities: Develop an App