Hour of Code: K-12
How to Schedule Hour of Code K-12
- Get buy-in and help. Talk with your principal and counselors. Get help from a director or coordinator to schedule Hour of Code events and communicate with other campuses, teachers, and student participants.
- Reach out to campus principals, teachers, or organization leaders. If they are interested in participating in an Hour of Code, determine who will work with you to ensure it is successful: a teacher, club sponsor, after-school care director/leader.
- Schedule date(s) and time(s).
- Schedule Hour of Code instructors and helpers. Ask your current and former Computer Science students to volunteer. They can share with Hour of Code participants how much they enjoy Computer Science!
- Make an agenda for each Hour of Code event. Examples are below.
- During the event, have fun and notice how much fun the participants are having!
- Send information home with participants about how they can continue learning about programming and Computer Science. Be sure to include information about the Hour of Code website and about your school district's Computer Science courses. An example is below.
I suggest some Hour of Code activities below that I think would work well for K-12 students who have little or no programming experience.
The activities below include the links provided on the Hour of Code website.
The activities below include the links provided on the Hour of Code website.
Hour of Code: Grades 6-12 Students, Teachers, Counselors & Administrators
- Code.org: Write your first computer program featuring Angry Birds http://hourofcode.com/co
- Scratch: Create a holiday card http://hourofcode.com/sc + Teacher Notes
- Alice Project: Intro to Programming with Alice 2 featuring Garfield and Odie http://hourofcode.com/ap
- RevRun: Everyone can Code with LiveCode featuring Sheepherder game http://hourofcode.com/lc
- Washington University Computer Science: Looking Glass http://hourofcode.com/lg + Teacher Notes
- Tynker: Build Your Own Game http://hourofcode.com/ty + Teacher Notes
- University of Colorado: Make a 3D Frogger Game http://hourofcode.com/ac
- Lightbot http://hourofcode.com/lb
Hour of Code: Grades 3-8 Students, Teachers, Counselors & Administrators
- Code.org: Write your first computer program featuring Angry Birds http://hourofcode.com/co
- Scratch: Create a holiday card http://hourofcode.com/sc + Teacher Notes
- Washington University Computer Science: Looking Glass http://hourofcode.com/lg + Teacher Notes
- Tynker: Build Your Own Game http://hourofcode.com/ty + Teacher Notes
- RoboMind Academy: Program a Virtual Robot http://hourofcode.com/rm + Teacher Notes
- Hopscotch: Code on your iPad http://hourofcode.com/hs
Hour of Code: Grades PreK-2 Students, Teachers, Counselors & Administrators
- Kodable http://hourofcode.com/ko + Teacher Resources