State-Adopted Materials
The materials listed below were reviewed and adopted by the State of Texas. Districts usually go through a formal adoption process to select materials from the adoption list for each course. Selecting materials for adoption does not obligate your district to purchase those materials. If districts purchase materials, they may use Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) funds.
Technology Applications (Chapter 126) - Proclamation 2014 Adopted Materials
Contact each publisher to get a sample login to view their Texas-specific resources for the Proclamation 2014 adoption.
Computer Science I (126.33)
Computer Science II (126.34)
Game Programming and Design (126.38)
No publishers submitted materials for review for the other Technology Applications courses. Therefore, there are not state-adopted materials for the following computer science-related courses:
Career and Technical Education (CTE) (Chapter 130) - Midcycle 2011 Proclamation Adopted Materials
Subchapter K. Information Technology was included in the last CTE materials adoption, but no publishers submitted materials for review. Therefore, there are no state adopted materials for the following computer science-related courses:
Technology Applications (Chapter 126) - Proclamation 2014 Adopted Materials
Contact each publisher to get a sample login to view their Texas-specific resources for the Proclamation 2014 adoption.
Computer Science I (126.33)
- Java Methods, Skylight Publishing
- TeenCoder: Windows Programming, CompuScholar, Inc.
Computer Science II (126.34)
- Java Methods, Skylight Publishing
- TeenCoder: Java Programming, CompuScholar, Inc.
Game Programming and Design (126.38)
- TeenCoder: Game Programming, CompuScholar, Inc.
- Video Game Design Foundations, Goodheart-Wilcox Company
No publishers submitted materials for review for the other Technology Applications courses. Therefore, there are not state-adopted materials for the following computer science-related courses:
- Fundamentals of Computer Science (126.32)
- Computer Science III (126.35)
- Digital Forensics (126.36)
- Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science - (126.37)
- Mobile Application Development (126.39)
- Robotics Programming and Design (126.40)
- Web Game Development (126.48)
- Independent Study in Technology Applications (126.49)
- Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Technologies (126.50)
Career and Technical Education (CTE) (Chapter 130) - Midcycle 2011 Proclamation Adopted Materials
Subchapter K. Information Technology was included in the last CTE materials adoption, but no publishers submitted materials for review. Therefore, there are no state adopted materials for the following computer science-related courses:
- Principles of Information Technology (130.272)
- Computer Programming (130.276)
- Advanced Computer Programming (130.277)
- Research in Information Technologies (130.278)