Topic Resources
- How Computers Work activity / interactive demonstration by
The Internet
- How the Internet Works video series by
- How the Internet Works activity / interactive demonstration of what happens when you type a URL into a browser, by
Common Programming Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
- Computer Science I Common Programming Mistakes blog post & PDF examples by Kevin F., Texas high school student
If Else Statements
- Bill Gates explains IF/ELSE Statements video by
- Mark Zuckerberg explains REPEAT LOOPS video by
- Chris Bosh explains REPEAT UNTIL video by
Nested Loops
- The Open Lockers problem - a possible nested loop assignment for students
- Algorithms video on Common Craft - How computers, websites, and digital products need instructions need instructions that answer the question “what should I do next?” in order to complete tasks, serve customers and gather information
Searching Algorithms
- Binary vs. Linear Search through Animated Gifs
Sorting Algorithms
- AlgoRythmics Folk Dancing videos: Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Quick, Merge, Shell
- Chris Bosh explains FUNCTIONS video by
- How Recursion Works in 7 Animated Gifs, including Fibonacci sequence, Pascal's Triangle, factorial, and recursive fractal tree
Binary Search Tree
- Binary Search Trees - 5 Animated Gifs
App Development
- App Lab by - Programming environment where you can make simple apps. Design an app, code with blocks or JavaScript to make it work, then share your app
Why Computer Science?
- CODEGIRL from Google's Made with Code - Documentary about high school-aged girls from around the work try to better their community through technology and collaboration. CODEGIRL trailer on YouTube and CODEGIRL video rental/purchase on iTunes.
Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence video, explained by CommonCraft
Open Source Software
- Open Source Software video, explained by CommonCraft
Game Programming
- Programming Guide for Video-Gamers, by IT Hare